Saturday, March 21, 2020

Distance Learning Assignments Update

Hello parents!

I know that you are unable to see Google Classroom so I thought I would let you know what your kids should be working on from home for the next few weeks!

11th Grade:

+ 11th Graders should have finished their Quarter 3 Evidence Log and submitted it as of last night.
+ Their next step is to begin working on their final essay, due April 3. Detailed essay requirements are on Classroom.
+ To help them brainstorm essay ideas, they will also be answering a series of 3 Socratic Seminar questions on Flipgrid. These questions will be posted on 3/23, 3/25, and 3/30.

Honors 9th Grade:

+ Students will be reading Of Mice and Men and working on their analysis project, due April 3.
+ Turtle symbolism practice (which I already posted for them on Thursday so they could start early)
+ A layering text activity which they do with their Of Mice and Men group
+ Two Flipgrids. One is just an "About Me" introduction to teach them to use Flipgrid, and the other will be a project update where they share 1-2 of the interesting quotes they found.

Students in both grades should be working on the long-term projects throughout the next two weeks, and not wait until the last minute. Working a little at a time is a good habit to get into, and will help to avoid last-minute scrambling!

Feel free to talk to your students about their work and if they seem confused or overwhelmed, reach out to me!

Also, I highly recommend the Gary Sinise/John Malkovich movie version of Of Mice and Men to help freshmen deepen their understanding of the book. Watching it as a family would be a great activity to do together!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Hello students and parents!

I have decided to set up Flipgrid accounts for my classes so we can have class discussions while distance learning!

Flipgrid is a video app that lets students and teachers record short videos to answer questions and have discussions. It is completely restricted to members of each class period, so that only classmates can see each others' posts. It is also completely private.

For students who do not have a camera on their computer, I recommend downloading the Flipgrid app so you can record your responses on your cellphone.

As with all of our work, you can make your video responses WHENEVER you want - no need to log in at a certain time.

Your first Flipgrid assignment will go up on Google Classroom tomorrow, 3/19, and be due on Monday.

Please email or send me a Remind if you have questions or concerns!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Distance Learning

Hello parents! I know you've probably already heard that our school is moving to distance learning for the next three weeks to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

It's a very scary time for our kids, and I did my best to reassure students today that the measures being taken are mainly precautionary and to keep our healthcare system from being overrun by the small percentage of serious cases.

I know that many are disappointed and sad at all the cancellations of special events that many have prepared for and looked forward to, such as concerts, sporting events, and school dances. I hope we can all help each other and keep each others' spirits up throughout this unusual time.

I have already prepped assignments for students' first week of distance learning. Freshman have two activities - the Prereading Nearpod, and the Turtle Symbolism Pratice. Juniors are to read and answer questions about an article - "What You Don't Know Can Kill You" - and finish their evidence logs. By Friday, 3/20, their entire log should be complete, except for the McCarthyism schmoop article, which we skipped.

Distance learning will begin on Wednesday, 3/18. Please remind students to be checking Google Classroom each day.

Students do not need to worry about completing anything else for next week. Please have them email me with questions!

I hope you all stay well, wash your hands, and be wise in the upcoming weeks!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Miss A's Last Day

Today our class said farewell to our awesome student teacher Miss Alishahi. She moves on to Sierra Vista to do more student-teaching at the junior high level.

Miss A has added so much to our classroom with her ready smile, her love of music, and her cute puppy photos. I have absolutely loved having Miss A as my partner in crime for the last six weeks, and I am sad to see her go.

Here are some photos from Miss A's last day. 9th graders enjoyed some PHONE FREE fun time in class today to say good-bye - 11th graders, unfortunately, had to finish their district benchmarks, but gamely posed for a photo!