Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fall 2019: Welcome to a New School Year!

Welcome to the fall semester at VHS! It's going to be a great year! I can't wait to get to know you all, to hear your ideas, and to dive with you into both timeless literature and contemporary classics! Teaching English is so much fun because it really is the study of humanity and how it responds to adversity, to change, and to the divine.

I always love to kick off my year by having students view and discuss this video from young adult novelist John Green:

Everyone who watches will have his/her own tidbits to take away, but my favorite are these three:

1. Reading critically helps you to understand and to be understood
2. Reading is a conversation between the reader and the author
3. Reading is always an act of empathy

The importance of studying English is to communicate ideas to the world, and I think this is nicely expressed by Green's video!

Again, I am so excited about this school year and I want to make it the best year yet!